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Sewage Backup in Foster City

These homeowners gave us a call when their Foster City home had a sewage backup in the bathroom.

When a septic system overflows, it puts your home at risk for health hazards such as; bacteria, viruses and parasites.

Our job is to clean it up as quickly as possible and thoroughly work on the affected area piece by piece.

We removed items from the area and made sure to discard toiletries, carpeting, cosmetics and anything that would remain a health hazard to the home.

The next step was to remove the water from the sewage backup using a wet/dry vacuum and pump for the areas with larger water buildup.

It was necessary to remove floorboards and drywall as the water damage to the area was significant and removing all moist and damp materials ensures prevents bacteria and mold from breeding.

Once all of the affected materials were removed and the dehumidification process was completed, it was time to begin the restoration process so that the homeowners can return to their normal daily routine.

For more info about our services or to request a quote, calL 650-504-1987 or CLICK HERE.

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